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local sta = "%1 station"
local NYCS = "%1 station (New York City Subway)"
local BMT = "%1 station (BMT lines)"
local IND = "%1 station (IND lines)"
local S42 = "%1 station (IRT 42nd Street Line)"
local TWO = "%1 station (Second Avenue Subway)"
local FOUR = "%1 station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)"
local SIX = "%1 station (IND Sixth Avenue Line)"
local EIGHT = "%1 station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)"
local A = "%1 station (BMT Astoria Line)"
local B7 = "%1 station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line)"
local BRI = "%1 station (BMT Brighton Line)"
local BRO = "%1 station (BMT Broadway Line)"
local CA = "%1 station (BMT Canarsie Line)"
local CO = "%1 station (IND Concourse Line)"
local CR = "%1 station (IND Crosstown Line)"
local CU = "%1 station (IND Culver Line)"
local D = "%1 station (IRT Dyre Avenue Line)"
local E = "%1 station (IRT Eastern Parkway Line)"
local FLU = "%1 station (IRT Flushing Line)"
local FR = "%1 station (BMT Franklin Avenue Line)"
local FUL = "%1 station (IND Fulton Street Line)"
local JA = "%1 station (BMT Jamaica Line)"
local JE = "%1 station (IRT Jerome Avenue Line)"
local LEN = "%1 station (IRT Lenox Avenue Line)"
local LEX = "%1 station (IRT Lexington Avenue Line)"
local M = "%1 station (BMT Myrtle Avenue Line)"
local NA = "%1 station (BMT Nassau Street Line)"
local NL = "%1 station (IRT New Lots Line)"
local NOS = "%1 station (IRT Nostrand Avenue Line)"
local Q = "%1 station (IND Queens Boulevard Line)"
local S = "%1 station (BMT Sea Beach Line)"
local WE = "%1 station (BMT West End Line)"
local WP = "%1 station (IRT White Plains Road Line)"
local IRT2ND = "%1 station (IRT Second Avenue Line)"
local BMTCU = "%1 station (BMT Culver Line)"
local BMTFUL = "%1 station (BMT Fulton Street Line)"

local color = {
black = "000000",
blue = "0039A6",
brown = "996633",
green_dark = "00933C",
green_light = "6CBE45",
grey_dark = "808183",
grey_light = "A7A9AC",
orange = "FF6319",
purple = "B933AD",
red = "EE352E",
turquoise = "00ADD0",
yellow = "FCCC0A",

local p = {
["lang"] = "en-US",
["system title"] = "[[New York City Subway]]",
["system icon"] = "[[File:MTA NYC logo.svg|16px|link=New York City Subway|alt=New York City Subway]]",
["station format"] = {
["blank"] = "[[New York City Subway| ]]",
["First Avenue"] = CA,
["Third Avenue"] = CA,
["Fifth Avenue"] = FLU,
["Seventh Avenue"] = {
["Brighton"] = BRI,
["Brighton express"] = BRI,
["Brighton local"] = BRI,
["Brighton north"] = BRI,
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver express north"] = CU,
["Culver local north"] = CU,
["Eighth"] = IND,
["Eighth express via Sixth"] = IND,
["Eighth local via Sixth"] = IND,
["Queens"] = IND,
["Queens far west"] = IND,
["Queens farthest west"] = IND,
["Sixth"] = IND,
["Sixth express"] = IND,
["none"] = CU,
["Eighth Avenue"] = {
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Fourth express"] = S,
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["Ninth Street"] = FOUR,
["13th Avenue"] = BMTCU,
["14th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local south"] = EIGHT,
["Sixth"] = SIX,
["Sixth local"] = SIX,
["14th Street–Union Square"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway bridge via Brighton"] = BRO,
["Broadway bridge via Fourth"] = BRO,
["Broadway express"] = BRO,
["Broadway local"] = BRO,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington express"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["18th Avenue"] = {
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver local"] = CU,
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["West End"] = WE,
["West End local"] = WE,
["none"] = CU,
["18th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["none"] = LEX,
["20th Avenue"] = {
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["West End"] = WE,
["West End local"] = WE,
["21st Street"] = CR,
["23rd Street"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway local"] = BRO,
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local south"] = EIGHT,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Sixth"] = SIX,
["Sixth local"] = SIX,
["25th Street"] = FOUR,
["28th Street"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway local"] = BRO,
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["33rd Street"] = LEX,
["34th Street–Herald Square"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway express"] = BRO,
["Broadway express north"] = BRO,
["Broadway local"] = BRO,
["Broadway local north"] = BRO,
["Sixth"] = SIX,
["Sixth express"] = SIX,
["Sixth local"] = SIX,
["JFK Express"] = SIX,
["34th Street–Penn Station"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local south"] = EIGHT,
["36th Street"] = {
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth via Sixth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth express"] = FOUR,
["Fourth local"] = FOUR,
["Queens"] = Q,
["Queens local"] = Q,
["Queens Plaza local"] = Q,
["Queens Plaza local via Broadway"] = Q,
["West End local"] = FOUR,
["none"] = FOUR,
["36th Street 5th"] = "[[36th Street station (BMT Fifth Avenue Line)|36th Street]]",
["39th Avenue"] = A,
["45th Street"] = FOUR,
["46th Street"] = Q,
["49th Street"] = BRO,
["50th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local 59th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local south"] = EIGHT,
["Queens"] = EIGHT,
["Queens far west"] = EIGHT,
["West End"] = WE,
["West End local"] = WE,
["none"] = B7,
["52nd Street"] = FLU,
["53rd Street"] = FOUR,
["57th Street"] = {
["63rd IND"] = SIX,
["Sixth"] = SIX,
["Sixth local north"] = SIX,
["none"] = IRT2ND,
["JFK Express"] = SIX,
["59th Street"] = {
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth express"] = FOUR,
["Fourth local"] = FOUR,
["Fourth south"] = FOUR,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington express"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Sea Beach local"] = FOUR,
["59th Street–Columbus Circle"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local 50th"] = EIGHT,
["Sixth express"] = EIGHT,
["65th Street"] = Q,
["69th Street"] = FLU,
["72nd Street"] = {
["63rd BMT"] = TWO,
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local 59th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local via Sixth"] = EIGHT,
["Second"] = TWO,
["77th Street"] = {
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth south"] = FOUR,
["79th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["West End"] = WE,
["West End local"] = WE,
["80th Street"] = FUL,
["86th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth south"] = FOUR,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington express"] = LEX,
["Lexington express via Jerome"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["Second"] = TWO,
["91st Street"] = B7,
["96th Street"] = {
["63rd BMT"] = TWO,
["Broadway express north"] = TWO,
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Lenox"] = B7,
["Lenox via White Plains"] = B7,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington express"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Second"] = TWO,
["none"] = B7,
["103rd Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["104th Street"] = {
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton far east"] = FUL,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip rush west"] = JA,
["106th Street"] = TWO,
["110th Street"] = LEX,
["111th Street"] = {
["Archer BMT skip"] = JA,
["Flushing"] = FLU,
["Flushing local"] = FLU,
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton far east"] = FUL,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip east"] = JA,
["116th Street"] = {
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Lenox"] = LEN,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Second"] = TWO,
["121st Street"] = JA,
["125th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express 59th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express 145th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express via Concourse express"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express via Concourse local"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express via Sixth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Jerome express"] = LEX,
["Jerome local south"] = LEX,
["Jerome local via White Plains"] = LEX,
["Lenox"] = LEN,
["Lenox north"] = LEN,
["Lenox via White Plains"] = LEN,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington express"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Pelham express"] = LEX,
["Pelham local"] = LEX,
["135th Street"] = {
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local 145th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local via Concourse"] = EIGHT,
["Lenox"] = LEN,
["Lenox far north"] = LEN,
["Lenox north"] = LEN,
["White Plains local via Lenox"] = LEN,
["145th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh north"] = B7,
["Concourse"] = IND,
["Concourse express"] = IND,
["Concourse local"] = IND,
["Eighth"] = IND,
["Eighth express"] = IND,
["Eighth express north"] = IND,
["Eighth local"] = IND,
["Eighth local 145th"] = IND,
["Eighth local north"] = IND,
["Eighth local via Sixth"] = IND,
["Lenox"] = LEN,
["Lenox far north"] = LEN,
["Lenox north"] = LEN,
["none"] = B7,
["149th Street–Grand Concourse"] = {
["Jerome"] = JE,
["Jerome local"] = JE,
["Jerome local south"] = JE,
["Jerome local via White Plains"] = WP,
["Lenox via White Plains"] = WP,
["Lexington express via Jerome"] = JE,
["White Plains"] = WP,
["White Plains express south"] = WP,
["White Plains local via Jerome"] = WP,
["White Plains local via Lenox"] = WP,
["none regular"] = JE,
["155th Street"] = {
["Concourse"] = CO,
["Concourse local"] = CO,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express via Concourse local"] = CO,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local 145th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local north"] = EIGHT,
["161st Street–Yankee Stadium"] = {
["Concourse"] = CO,
["Concourse local"] = CO,
["Jerome"] = JE,
["Jerome express"] = JE,
["Jerome limited"] = JE,
["Jerome local"] = JE,
["167th Street"] = {
["Jerome"] = JE,
["Jerome local"] = JE,
["Concourse"] = CO,
["Concourse local"] = CO,
["168th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh north"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express 145th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth far north"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local 145th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local far south via Fulton"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local north"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local south"] = EIGHT,
["Fulton local"] = EIGHT,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["169th Street"] = Q,
["170th Street"] = {
["Jerome"] = JE,
["Jerome local"] = JE,
["Concourse"] = CO,
["Concourse local"] = CO,
["174th Street"] = WP,
["175th Street"] = EIGHT,
["181st Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh north"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth far north"] = EIGHT,
["183rd Street"] = JE,
["Atlantic Avenue"] = CA,
["Atlantic Avenue–Barclays Center"] = {
["Brighton"] = BRI,
["Brighton far north"] = BRI,
["Brighton north"] = BRI,
["Broadway bridge via Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Eastern"] = E,
["Eastern express"] = E,
["Eastern express south"] = E,
["Eastern express south via Nostrand"] = E,
["Eastern local"] = E,
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth express"] = FOUR,
["Fourth local"] = FOUR,
["Fourth local via Bridge"] = BRI,
["Fourth via West End"] = FOUR,
["Sixth Chrystie via Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Avenue U"] = {
["Brighton"] = BRI,
["Brighton local"] = BRI,
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver local"] = CU,
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["Bay Parkway"] = {
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver local"] = CU,
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["West End"] = WE,
["West End local"] = WE,
["none"] = WE,
["Bergen Street"] = {
["Eastern"] = E,
["Eastern local"] = E,
["Crosstown"] = CU,
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver local Jay"] = CU,
["Culver local north"] = CU,
["none"] = CU,
["Borough Hall"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh via Eastern"] = B7,
["Eastern"] = E,
["Eastern express"] = E,
["Eastern local"] = B7,
["Lexington south"] = E,
["Brighton Beach"] = BRI,
["Broad Street"] = NA,
["Broadway"] = {
["Astoria"] = A,
["Crosstown"] = CR,
["none"] = M,
["Broadway Junction"] = {
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Fulton express"] = FUL,
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton local"] = FUL,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica rush"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip east"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip rush west"] = JA,
["none"] = JA,
["Canal Street"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway bridge"] = "[[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Bridge Line platforms (lower level)|Canal Street]]",
["Broadway express"] = "[[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Bridge Line platforms (lower level)|Canal Street]]",
["Broadway main"] = "[[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Main Line platforms (upper level)|Canal Street]]",
["Broadway south"] = "[[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Main Line platforms (upper level)|Canal Street]]",
["Broadway south via bridge"] = "[[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Bridge Line platforms (lower level)|Canal Street]]",
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express 59th"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express far south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local far south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local south"] = EIGHT,
["Fourth express"] = "[[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Bridge Line platforms (lower level)|Canal Street]]",
["Fourth local via Bridge"] = "[[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Bridge Line platforms (lower level)|Canal Street]]",
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Nassau"] = NA,
["Nassau north"] = NA,
["Cathedral Parkway–110th Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local"] = EIGHT,
["Central Avenue"] = M,
["Chambers Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh south"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh via Eastern"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express far south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local far south via Fulton"] = EIGHT,
["Nassau"] = NA,
["JFK Express"] = EIGHT,
["Church Avenue"] = {
["Brighton"] = BRI,
["Brighton express"] = BRI,
["Brighton local"] = BRI,
["Crosstown"] = CU,
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver express north"] = CU,
["Culver local"] = CU,
["Culver local north"] = CU,
["Nostrand"] = NOS,
["none"] = CU,
["City Hall"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway south"] = BRO,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["none"] = LEX,
["Clinton–Washington Avenues"] = {
["Crosstown"] = CR,
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton local"] = FUL,
["Cortlandt Street"] = BRO,
["Court Square"] = {
["Crosstown"] = CR,
["Flushing"] = FLU,
["Flushing express"] = FLU,
["Flushing local"] = FLU,
["none"] = CR,
["Court Square–23rd Street"] = Q,
["Court Street"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway Whitehall"] = BRO,
["Broadway Whitehall via tunnel"] = BRO,
["Fourth"] = BRO,
["Fourth local"] = BRO,
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["none"] = FUL,
["Court Street Nassau"] = "[[Borough Hall/Court Street station#BMT Fourth Avenue Line platform|Court Street]]",
["Crescent Street"] = JA,
["DeKalb Avenue"] = {
["Brighton"] = BMT,
["Brighton north"] = BMT,
["Broadway bridge local"] = BMT,
["Broadway bridge via Brighton"] = BMT,
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Fourth"] = BMT,
["Fourth local"] = BMT,
["Sixth Chrystie via Brighton"] = BMT,
["Dyckman Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh north"] = B7,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth far north"] = EIGHT,
["none"] = B7,
["Euclid Avenue"] = FUL,
["Essex Street"] = NA,
["Flushing Avenue"] = {
["Crosstown"] = CR,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica via local"] = JA,
["Jamaica via Myrtle"] = JA,
["Jamaica west"] = JA,
["Flushing–Main Street"] = FLU,
["Fordham Road"] = {
["Concourse"] = CO,
["Concourse express"] = CO,
["Concourse local"] = CO,
["Jerome"] = JE,
["Jerome local"] = JE,
["Fort Hamilton Parkway"] = {
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver local Church"] = CU,
["Culver local Church via Crosstown"] = CU,
["Culver local north"] = CU,
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["West End"] = WE,
["West End local"] = WE,
["none"] = BMTCU,
["Franklin Avenue"] = {
["Franklin"] = FR,
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton local"] = FUL,
["Myrtle"] = M,
["Franklin Street"] = B7,
["Fulton Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh via Eastern"] = B7,
["Crosstown"] = CR,
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth express far south"] = EIGHT,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington express"] = LEX,
["Lexington south"] = LEX,
["Nassau"] = NA,
["Grand Avenue"] = M,
["Grand Central"] = S42,
["Grand Central–42nd Street"] = {
["Flushing"] = FLU,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington express"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Grand Street"] = {
["Brighton far north"] = SIX,
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Fourth via Sixth"] = SIX,
["Sixth"] = SIX,
["Sixth express"] = SIX,
["Grant Avenue"] = {
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton east"] = FUL,
["Fulton express"] = FUL,
["none"] = BMTFUL,
["Gun Hill Road"] = {
["Dyre"] = D,
["White Plains"] = WP,
["White Plains local north"] = WP,
["none"] = WP,
["Halsey Street"] = {
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip east"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip west"] = JA,
["Harlem–125th Street"] = TWO,
["High Street"] = EIGHT,
["Houston Street"] = B7,
["Jackson Avenue"] = WP,
["Jay Street–MetroTech"] = {
["Culver"] = IND,
["Culver express north"] = IND,
["Culver local far north"] = IND,
["Eighth"] = IND,
["Eighth express far south"] = IND,
["Fulton"] = IND,
["Fulton express via Eighth"] = IND,
["Fulton local via Eighth"] = IND,
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth local"] = FOUR,
["Sixth local south"] = IND,
["none"] = IND,
["Kings Highway"] = {
["Brighton"] = BRI,
["Brighton express"] = BRI,
["Brighton local"] = BRI,
["Culver"] = CU,
["Culver local"] = CU,
["Sea Beach"] = S,
["Sea Beach local"] = S,
["none"] = CU,
["Kingsbridge Road"] = {
["Concourse"] = CO,
["Concourse express"] = CO,
["Concourse local"] = CO,
["Jerome"] = JE,
["Jerome local"] = JE,
["Lafayette Avenue"] = FUL,
["Lorimer Street"] = {
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica west"] = JA,
["Metropolitan Avenue"] = {
["Crosstown"] = CR,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["none"] = JA,
["Mets–Willets Point"] = FLU,
["Myrtle Avenue"] = {
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica west"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip east"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip rush"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip rush east"] = JA,
["Myrtle"] = JA,
["none"] = FOUR,
["Myrtle Avenue Jamaica express"] = "[[Myrtle Avenue station (BMT Jamaica Line)|Myrtle Avenue]]",
["Myrtle–Wyckoff Avenues"] = {
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Myrtle"] = M,
["New Lots Avenue"] = {
["Canarsie"] = CA,
["Lenox far north"] = NL,
["Lenox north"] = NL,
["New Lots"] = NL,
["Nostrand Avenue"] = {
["Eastern"] = E,
["Eastern local south"] = E,
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton express"] = FUL,
["Fulton express via Eighth"] = FUL,
["Fulton local"] = FUL,
["Fulton local via Eighth"] = FUL,
["Myrtle"] = M,
["Park Avenue"] = JA,
["Park Place"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh via Eastern"] = B7,
["Franklin"] = FR,
["Pelham Parkway"] = {
["Dyre"] = D,
["White Plains"] = WP,
["White Plains local north"] = WP,
["none"] = D,
["Pennsylvania Avenue"] = NL,
["Prospect Avenue"] = {
["Fourth"] = FOUR,
["Fourth local"] = FOUR,
["White Plains"] = WP,
["White Plains local"] = WP,
["Prospect Park"] = BMT,
["Rector Street"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway south"] = BRO,
["Broadway Whitehall"] = BRO,
["Broadway Whitehall via tunnel"] = BRO,
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh south"] = B7,
["Reid Avenue"] = BMTFUL,
["Rockaway Avenue"] = {
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton local"] = FUL,
["New Lots"] = NL,
["Saratoga Avenue"] = NL,
["South Ferry"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#South Ferry station (2009–2012, 2017–present)",
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#South Ferry station (2009–2012, 2017–present)",
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#South Ferry station (2009–2012, 2017–present)",
["Broadway-Seventh north"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#South Ferry station (2009–2012, 2017–present)",
["Broadway-Seventh south"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#South Ferry station (2009–2012, 2017–present)",
["Lexington"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#Old South Ferry station (1905–2009, 2013–2017)",
["none"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#Old South Ferry station (1905–2009, 2013–2017)",
["South Ferry loops"] = "South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#Old South Ferry station (1905–2009, 2013–2017)",
["Spring Street"] = {
["Eighth"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local far south"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local far south via Fulton"] = EIGHT,
["Eighth local south"] = EIGHT,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington local"] = LEX,
["Sumner Avenue"] = M,
["Sutphin Boulevard"] = Q,
["Times Square"] = S42,
["Times Square–42nd Street"] = {
["Broadway"] = BRO,
["Broadway express"] = BRO,
["Broadway express north"] = BRO,
["Broadway local"] = BRO,
["Broadway local north"] = BRO,
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = B7,
["Flushing"] = FLU,
["Tompkins Avenue"] = M,
["Union Square"] = CA,
["Union Street"] = FOUR,
["Van Siclen Avenue"] = {
["Fulton"] = FUL,
["Fulton local"] = FUL,
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica rush"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip rush west"] = JA,
["New Lots"] = NL,
["Vanderbilt Avenue"] = M,
["Wall Street"] = {
["Broadway-Seventh"] = B7,
["Broadway-Seventh via Eastern"] = B7,
["Eastern express"] = LEX,
["Lexington"] = LEX,
["Lexington south"] = LEX,
["Woodhaven Boulevard"] = {
["Jamaica"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip west"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip rush"] = JA,
["Jamaica skip rush east"] = JA,
["Queens"] = Q,
["Queens local"] = Q,
["Woodlawn"] = JE,
["World Trade Center"] = "[[Chambers Street–World Trade Center/Park Place/Cortlandt Street station#World Trade Center|World Trade Center]]",
["York Street"] = SIX,
["lines"] = {
["_default"] = {
["color"] =
["42nd"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-S-Std.svg|48px|link=42nd Street Shuttle]] [[42nd Street Shuttle|42nd Street]]",
["color"] = color.grey_dark,
["left terminus"] = "Times Square",
["right terminus"] = "Grand Central",
["63rd BMT"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|48px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "96th Street",
["63rd IND"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica–179th Street",
["Archer"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|31px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "services split",
["circular"] = true,
["Archer BMT"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "Broad Street",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["Archer BMT skip"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["circular"] = true,
["Archer IND"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "World Trade Center",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["Archer IND via Queens local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "local",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Astoria"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|31px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|31px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[34th Street–Herald Square station (BMT Broadway Line)|34th Street–Herald Square]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard station|Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Brighton"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Brighton Culver"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|31px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "services split",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Brighton express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|48px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[145th Street station (IND lines)|145th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Brighton Beach station (BMT Brighton Line)|Brighton Beach]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Brighton far north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|48px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[145th Street station (IND lines)|145th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Prospect Park station (BMT lines)|Prospect Park]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Brighton local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|48px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[96th Street station (Second Avenue Subway)|96th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Brighton north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|31px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|31px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[DeKalb Avenue station (BMT lines)|DeKalb Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Prospect Park station (BMT lines)|Prospect Park]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["Broadway bridge local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|48px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "local",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway bridge via Brighton"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|48px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Times Square–42nd Street/Port Authority Bus Terminal station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Times Square–42nd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway bridge via Fourth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|48px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Times Square–42nd Street/Port Authority Bus Terminal station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Times Square–42nd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|31px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|31px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Times Square–42nd Street/Port Authority Bus Terminal station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Times Square–42nd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (New York City Subway)#Bridge Line platforms (lower level)|Canal Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway express north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|48px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[96th Street station (Second Avenue Subway)|96th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|31px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|31px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Lexington Avenue/59th Street station#BMT Broadway Line platform|Lexington Avenue–59th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Whitehall Street–South Ferry]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway local north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|31px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|31px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|31px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Lexington Avenue/59th Street station#BMT Broadway Line platform|Lexington Avenue–59th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Times Square–42nd Street/Port Authority Bus Terminal station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Times Square–42nd Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|31px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|31px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|31px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Times Square–42nd Street/Port Authority Bus Terminal station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Times Square–42nd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard station|Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway north via Astoria"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|31px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|31px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Times Square–42nd Street/Port Authority Bus Terminal station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Times Square–42nd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard station|Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway north via Queens"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|48px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Times Square–42nd Street/Port Authority Bus Terminal station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Times Square–42nd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Forest Hills–71st Avenue station|Forest Hills–71st Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|31px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|31px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Lexington Avenue/59th Street station#BMT Broadway Line platform|Lexington Avenue–59th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#BMT Broadway Line platforms|Whitehall Street–South Ferry]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway south via bridge"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|31px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|31px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Lexington Avenue/59th Street station#BMT Broadway Line platform|Lexington Avenue–59th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via bridge",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway Whitehall"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svg|48px|link=W (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Lexington Avenue/59th Street station#BMT Broadway Line platform|Lexington Avenue–59th Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway Whitehall via tunnel"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|48px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Lexington Avenue/59th Street station#BMT Broadway Line platform|Lexington Avenue–59th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Bay Ridge–95th Street station|Bay Ridge–95th Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway-Seventh"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Broadway-Seventh express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|31px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|31px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[135th Street station (IRT Lenox Avenue Line)|135th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway-Seventh local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-1-Std.svg|48px|link=1 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Van Cortlandt Park–242nd Street station|Van Cortlandt Park–242nd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[South Ferry/Whitehall Street station#South Ferry station (2009–2012, 2017–present)|South Ferry]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Broadway-Seventh north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-1-Std.svg|48px|link=1 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Van Cortlandt Park–242nd Street",
["right terminus"] = "South Ferry",
["Broadway-Seventh south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-1-Std.svg|48px|link=1 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Van Cortlandt Park–242nd Street",
["right terminus"] = "South Ferry",
["Broadway-Seventh via Eastern"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|31px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|31px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[135th Street station (IRT Lenox Avenue Line)|135th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Canarsie"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-L-Std.svg|48px|link=L (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.grey_light,
["left terminus"] = "Eighth Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Canarsie–Rockaway Parkway",
["Concourse"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Concourse express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "express",
["right terminus"] = "express",
["circular"] = true,
["Concourse local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Norwood–205th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["Crosstown"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-G-Std.svg|48px|link=G (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_light,
["left terminus"] = "Court Square",
["right terminus"] = "Church Avenue",
["types"] = {
["Reverse"] = {
["title"] = "",
["left terminus"] = "Church Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Court Square",
["Culver"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Culver express north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|48px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Jamaica–179th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["Culver local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Jamaica–179th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["Culver local Church"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|48px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Bergen Street station (IND Culver Line)|Bergen Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Culver local Church via Crosstown"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-G-Std.svg|48px|link=G (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.green_light,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Bergen Street station (IND Culver Line)|Bergen Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Culver local far north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|48px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica–179th Street station|Jamaica–179th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Church Avenue station (IND Culver Line)|Church Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Culver local Jay"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|48px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Jamaica–179th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["Culver local north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-G-Std.svg|31px|link=G (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Bergen Street station (IND Culver Line)|Bergen Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Church Avenue station (IND Culver Line)|Church Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Culver local via Crosstown"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-G-Std.svg|48px|link=G (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.green_light,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Court Square station#IND Crosstown Line platform|Court Square]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Church Avenue station (IND Culver Line)|Church Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Dyre"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|48px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Eastchester–Dyre Avenue station|Eastchester–Dyre Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eastern"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Eastern express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|31px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|31px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "via [[138th Street–Grand Concourse station|138th Street–Grand Concourse]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eastern express south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|48px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "via [[138th Street–Grand Concourse station|138th Street–Grand Concourse]]",
["right terminus"] = "Crown Heights–Utica Avenue",
["circular"] = true,
["Eastern express south via Nostrand"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|48px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "via [[138th Street–Grand Concourse station|138th Street–Grand Concourse]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eastern local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|31px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|31px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[135th Street station (IRT Lenox Avenue Line)|135th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eastern local south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|48px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Harlem–148th Street station|Harlem–148th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[New Lots Avenue station (IRT New Lots Line)|New Lots Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eastern local south via Nostrand"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|48px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[135th Street station (IRT Lenox Avenue Line)|135th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Eighth express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|31px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|31px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "services split",
["right terminus"] = "services split",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth express 59th"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[145th Street station (IND lines)|145th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue station|Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue]] or [[Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard station|Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth express 145th"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Inwood–207th Street station|Inwood–207th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth express far south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|31px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|31px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)|Canal Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Hoyt–Schermerhorn Streets station|Hoyt–Schermerhorn Streets]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth express north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Inwood–207th Street",
["right terminus"] = {"Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue", "Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard"},
["Eighth express south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Inwood–207th Street station|Inwood–207th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue station|Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue]] or [[Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard station|Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth express via Concourse express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Concourse express",
["right terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth express via Concourse local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Norwood–205th Street station|Norwood–205th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth express via Sixth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[145th Street station (IND lines)|145th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Grand Street station (IND Sixth Avenue Line)|Grand Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth far north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Inwood–207th Street",
["right terminus"] = {"Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue", "Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard"},
["Eighth local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|31px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|31px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[145th Street station (IND lines)|145th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local 50th"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|48px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[168th Street station (New York City Subway)#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|168th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)|Canal Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local 59th"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|48px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[145th Street station (IND lines)|145th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Euclid Avenue station (IND Fulton Street Line)|Euclid Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local 145th"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|48px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[168th Street station (New York City Subway)#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|168th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local far south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["right terminus"] = "World Trade Center",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local far south via Fulton"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|48px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[50th Street station (IND lines)|50th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Hoyt–Schermerhorn Streets station|Hoyt–Schermerhorn Streets]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|48px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "168th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Euclid Avenue",
["Eighth local south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|31px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|31px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[50th Street station (IND lines)|50th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)|Canal Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local via Concourse"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|48px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["right terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Eighth local via Sixth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|48px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[145th Street station (IND lines)|145th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Grand Street station (IND Sixth Avenue Line)|Grand Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Flushing"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-7-Std.svg|31px|link=7 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-7d-Std.svg|31px|link=7 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.purple,
["left terminus"] = "34th Street–Hudson Yards",
["right terminus"] = "Flushing–Main Street",
["Flushing express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-7d-Std.svg|48px|link=7 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.purple,
["left terminus"] = "34th Street–Hudson Yards",
["right terminus"] = "Flushing–Main Street",
["Flushing local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-7-Std.svg|48px|link=7 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.purple,
["left terminus"] = "34th Street–Hudson Yards",
["right terminus"] = "Flushing–Main Street",
["Fourth"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Fourth express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|48px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard station|Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Fourth local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|48px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "Forest Hills–71st Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Bay Ridge–95th Street",
["Fourth local via Bridge"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|48px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[96th Street station (Second Avenue Subway)|96th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Prospect Park station (BMT lines)|Prospect Park]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Fourth south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|48px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "Forest Hills–71st Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Bay Ridge–95th Street",
["Fourth via Sixth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Norwood–205th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["Fourth via West End"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "northbound",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Franklin"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-S-Std.svg|48px|link=Franklin Avenue Shuttle]] [[Franklin Avenue Shuttle|Franklin Avenue]]",
["color"] = color.grey_dark,
["left terminus"] = "Franklin Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Prospect Park",
["Fulton"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["Fulton east"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Inwood–207th Street",
["right terminus"] = {"Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue", "Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard"},
["Fulton express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Inwood–207th Street",
["right terminus"] = {"Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue", "Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard"},
["Fulton express via Eighth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)|Canal Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue station|Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue]] or [[Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard station|Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Fulton far east"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Inwood–207th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Ozone Park–Lefferts Boulevard",
["Fulton far east via Rockaway"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Inwood–207th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue",
["Fulton local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|48px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "168th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Euclid Avenue",
["Fulton local via Eighth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|48px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)|Canal Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Euclid Avenue station (IND Fulton Street Line)|Euclid Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Fulton west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|31px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-C-Std.svg|31px|link=C (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)|Canal Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "services split",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "Broad Street",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["Jamaica far west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Broad Street station (BMT Nassau Street Line)|Broad Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Myrtle Avenue station (BMT Jamaica Line)|Myrtle Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica far west via Sixth local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Forest Hills–71st Avenue station|Forest Hills–71st Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Myrtle Avenue station (BMT Jamaica Line)|Myrtle Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica rush"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "Broad Street",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["Jamaica skip"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["right terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica skip east"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Broad Street station (BMT Nassau Street Line)|Broad Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica skip rush"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["right terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica skip rush east"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Broad Street station (BMT Nassau Street Line)|Broad Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica skip rush west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica skip west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "skip-stop",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica via local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|48px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Delancey Street/Essex Street station#BMT Nassau Street Line platforms|Essex Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica via Myrtle"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Delancey Street/Essex Street station#BMT Nassau Street Line platforms|Essex Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Middle Village–Metropolitan Avenue station|Middle Village–Metropolitan Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jamaica west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|31px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Delancey Street/Essex Street station#BMT Nassau Street Line platforms|Essex Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Myrtle Avenue station (BMT Jamaica Line)|Myrtle Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jerome"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["Jerome express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|48px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Woodlawn station (IRT Jerome Avenue Line)|Woodlawn]]",
["right terminus"] = "express",
["circular"] = true,
["Jerome limited"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|48px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "limited",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Crown Heights–Utica Avenue station|Crown Heights–Utica Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jerome local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|48px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "Woodlawn",
["right terminus"] = "Crown Heights–Utica Avenue",
["Jerome local south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|48px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Woodlawn station (IRT Jerome Avenue Line)|Woodlawn]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Jerome local via White Plains"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|48px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Eastchester–Dyre Avenue station|Eastchester–Dyre Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Lenox"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|31px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|31px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[135th Street station (IRT Lenox Avenue Line)|135th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Lenox far north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|48px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Harlem–148th Street",
["right terminus"] = "New Lots Avenue",
["Lenox north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|48px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Harlem–148th Street station|Harlem–148th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Lenox via White Plains"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|48px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Wakefield–241st Street station|Wakefield–241st Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Lexington"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.green_dark
["Lexington express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|31px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|31px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "via [[138th Street–Grand Concourse station|138th Street–Grand Concourse]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Lexington express via Jerome"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|31px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|31px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "express",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Lexington local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg|31px|link=6 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-6d-Std.svg|31px|link=6 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "Pelham Bay Park",
["right terminus"] = "Brooklyn Bridge–City Hall",
["Lexington south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-4-Std.svg|31px|link=4 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|31px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "via [[138th Street–Grand Concourse station|138th Street–Grand Concourse]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Myrtle"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Forest Hills–71st Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Middle Village–Metropolitan Avenue",
["Nassau"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["right terminus"] = "Broad Street",
["Nassau far north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Broad Street station (BMT Nassau Street Line)|Broad Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "eastbound",
["circular"] = true,
["Nassau north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg|31px|link=J/Z (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.brown,
["left terminus"] = "Broad Street",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["Nassau via Sixth local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Forest Hills–71st Avenue station|Forest Hills–71st Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "eastbound",
["circular"] = true,
["New Lots"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg|48px|link=3 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Harlem–148th Street",
["right terminus"] = "New Lots Avenue",
["Nostrand"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|31px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|31px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College station|Franklin Avenue–Medgar Evers College]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Pelham express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-6d-Std.svg|48px|link=6 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "Pelham Bay Park",
["right terminus"] = "Brooklyn Bridge–City Hall",
["Pelham local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg|48px|link=6 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "Pelham Bay Park",
["right terminus"] = "Brooklyn Bridge–City Hall",
["Pelham local north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg|31px|link=6 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-6d-Std.svg|31px|link=6 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "Pelham Bay Park",
["right terminus"] = "Brooklyn Bridge–City Hall",
["Queens express 71st"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "westbound",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens express east"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Chambers Street–World Trade Center/Park Place/Cortlandt Street station#World Trade Center|World Trade Center]]",
["right terminus"] = "express",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens express east via Archer"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "World Trade Center",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer",
["Queens express far east"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "express",
["right terminus"] = "express",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens express Roosevelt"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Chambers Street–World Trade Center/Park Place/Cortlandt Street station#World Trade Center|World Trade Center]]",
["right terminus"] = "eastbound",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens express via 63rd"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "eastbound",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens far west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Chambers Street–World Trade Center/Park Place/Cortlandt Street station#World Trade Center|World Trade Center]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens far west via Sixth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Middle Village–Metropolitan Avenue station|Middle Village–Metropolitan Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Queens Plaza station|Queens Plaza]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens farthest west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Canal Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)|Canal Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|31px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|31px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Queens Plaza station|Queens Plaza]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Forest Hills–71st Avenue station|Forest Hills–71st Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens local 71st"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "westbound",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica–179th Street station|Jamaica–179th Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens local east"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["right terminus"] = "Jamaica–179th Street",
["Queens local via Archer IND"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "Archer Ave",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens Plaza express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|48px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Fifth Avenue/53rd Street station|Fifth Avenue/53rd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer station|Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens Plaza local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Fifth Avenue/53rd Street station|Fifth Avenue/53rd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Forest Hills–71st Avenue station|Forest Hills–71st Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Queens Plaza local via Broadway"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg|48px|link=R (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "Bay Ridge–95th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Forest Hills–71st Avenue",
["Queens west"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svg|31px|link=E (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|31px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[Fifth Avenue/53rd Street station|Fifth Avenue/53rd Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Queens Plaza station|Queens Plaza]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Rockaway"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-A-Std.svg|48px|link=A (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Inwood–207th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Far Rockaway–Mott Avenue",
["Sea Beach"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["Sea Beach local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svg|48px|link=N (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "Astoria–Ditmars Boulevard",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["Second"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svg|48px|link=Q (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.yellow,
["left terminus"] = "96th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["Sixth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|31px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|31px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|31px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "northbound",
["right terminus"] = "southbound",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth Chrystie via Brighton"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|48px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Brighton Beach station (BMT Brighton Line)|Brighton Beach]]''",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth Chrystie via Fourth"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svg|31px|link=B (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|31px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Express",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[59th Street–Columbus Circle station#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms|59th Street–Columbus Circle]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Grand Street station (IND Sixth Avenue Line)|Grand Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|31px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[47th–50th Streets–Rockefeller Center station|47th–50th Streets–Rockefeller Center]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Broadway–Lafayette Street/Bleecker Street station#IND Sixth Avenue Line platforms|Broadway–Lafayette Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth local north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica–179th Street station|Jamaica–179th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Broadway–Lafayette Street/Bleecker Street station#IND Sixth Avenue Line platforms|Broadway–Lafayette Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth local south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Jamaica–179th Street station|Jamaica–179th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue station|Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth local via Nassau"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[47th–50th Streets–Rockefeller Center station|47th–50th Streets–Rockefeller Center]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Middle Village–Metropolitan Avenue station|Middle Village–Metropolitan Avenue]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth local via Queens"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svg|48px|link=M (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Forest Hills–71st Avenue station|Forest Hills–71st Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "via [[Broadway–Lafayette Street/Bleecker Street station#IND Sixth Avenue Line platforms|Broadway–Lafayette Street]]",
["circular"] = true,
["Sixth via 63rd"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-Fd-Std.svg|31px|link=F (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Jamaica–179th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["West End local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg|48px|link=D (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "Norwood–205th Street",
["right terminus"] = "Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue",
["White Plains"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =,
["White Plains express north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|48px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Eastchester–Dyre Avenue station|Eastchester–Dyre Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "express",
["circular"] = true,
["White Plains express south"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|48px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "express",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["White Plains local"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|31px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]] [[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|31px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[East 180th Street station|East 180th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["White Plains local north"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|48px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Wakefield–241st Street station|Wakefield–241st Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["White Plains local via Dyre"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|48px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Eastchester–Dyre Avenue station|Eastchester–Dyre Avenue]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["White Plains local via Jerome"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg|48px|link=5 (New York City Subway service)]]",
["color"] = color.green_dark,
["left terminus"] = "via [[East 180th Street station|East 180th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["White Plains local via Lenox"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svg|48px|link=2 (New York City Subway service)]]<br/>Local",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "via [[East 180th Street station|East 180th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College station|Flatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College]]",
["circular"] = true,
["none"] = {
["title"] = "''no service''",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "",
["right terminus"] = "",
["circular"] = true,
["none regular"] = {
["title"] = "''no regular service''",
["color"] =,
["left terminus"] = "",
["right terminus"] = "",
["circular"] = true,
["Rockaway Park Shuttle"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-S-Std.svg|48px|link=Rockaway Park Shuttle]] [[Rockaway Park Shuttle|Rockaway Park]]",
["color"] = color.grey_dark,
["left terminus"] = "toward [[Rockaway Park–Beach 116th Street station|Rockaway Park–Beach 116th Street]]",
["right terminus"] = "toward [[Broad Channel station|Broad Channel]]",
["circular"] = true,
["JFK Express"] = {
["title"] = "[[File:NYCS-bull-trans-JFK.svg|48px|link=JFK Express]] ''[[JFK Express]]''",
["color"] = color.turquoise,
["left terminus"] = "21st Street–Queensbridge",
["right terminus"] = "Howard Beach–JFK Airport",
["types"] = {
["Reverse"] = {
["title"] = "",
["left terminus"] = "Howard Beach–JFK Airport",
["right terminus"] = "21st Street–Queensbridge",
["black"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =
["blue"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =
["brown"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.brown
["darkgreen"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.green_dark
["lightgrey"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.grey_light
["darkgrey"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.grey_dark
["lightgreen"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.green_light
["orange"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =
["purple"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.purple
["red"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] =
["turquoise"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.turquoise
["yellow"] = {
["title"] = "<span class=error>error</span>",
["color"] = color.yellow
["aliases"] = {
["0"] = "darkgrey", --for 42nd street shuttle
["1"] = "red",
["2"] = "red",
["3"] = "red",
["4"] = "darkgreen",
["5"] = "darkgreen",
["6"] = "darkgreen",
["6d"] = "darkgreen",
["7"] = "purple",
["7d"] = "purple",
["9"] = "red",
["42nd"] = "42nd",
["42nd street shuttle"] = "darkgrey",
["a"] = "blue",
["black"] = "black",
["blue"] = "blue",
["bmt broadway line"] = "yellow",
["bmt broadway"] = "yellow",
["bmt canarsie line"] = "Canarsie",
["bmt nassau street line"] = "brown",
["b"] = "orange",
["brown"] = "brown",
["c"] = "blue",
["canarsie"] = "Canarsie",
["chambers"] = "brown",
["crosstown"] = "Crosstown",
["darkgray"] = "darkgrey",
["darkgrey"] = "darkgrey",
["d"] = "orange",
["e"] = "Eighth",
["eighth"] = "Eighth",
["f"] = "orange",
["flushing"] = "Flushing",
["flushing acc"] = "purple",
["flushing acc express"] = "purple",
["flushing acc local"] = "purple",
["flushing express"] = "Flushing express",
["flushing local"] = "Flushing local",
["franklin avenue shuttle"] = "darkgrey",
["franklin"] = "Franklin",
["g"] = "lightgreen",
["gray"] = "lightgrey",
["green"] = "darkgreen",
["grey"] = "lightgrey",
["h"] = "darkgrey", --for rockaway park shuttle
["ind crosstown line"] = "Crosstown",
["ind eighth avenue line"] = "blue",
["ind second avenue line"] = "turquoise",
["ind sixth avenue line"] = "orange",
["irt broadway"] = "red",
["irt broadway – seventh avenue line"] = "red",
["irt flushing line"] = "purple",
["irt lexington avenue line"] = "darkgreen",
["j"] = "brown",
["jfk"] = "turquoise",
["j/z"] = "brown",
["k"] = "blue",
["l"] = "lightgrey",
["lightgray"] = "lightgrey",
["lightgreen"] = "lightgreen",
["lightgrey"] = "lightgrey",
["m"] = "orange",
["nassau"] = "Nassau",
["nassau north"] = "Nassau north",
["nassau south"] = "brown",
["n"] = "yellow",
["orange"] = "orange",
["purple"] = "purple",
["q"] = "yellow",
["r"] = "yellow",
["red"] = "red",
["rockaway park shuttle"] = "Rockaway Park Shuttle",
["rockaway"] = "Rockaway",
["s"] = "darkgrey",
["second avenue subway"] = "turquoise",
["second"] = "Second",
["seventh"] = "red",
["shuttle"] = "darkgrey",
["sixth"] = "Sixth",
["t"] = "turquoise",
["turquoise"] = "turquoise",
["v"] = "orange",
["w"] = "yellow",
["yellow"] = "yellow",
["z"] = "brown",

return p
Anonymous user

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